The Delft Design fo Value institute granted our proposal on ‘Responsible Internet of Things (IoT) Data Research’. Together with Gerd Kortuem, Alessandro Bozzon, Christoph Lofi and Asterios Katsifodimos, we will explore how we can leverage WiFi Access Point data from the TU Delft campus as part of an ethical process.

This project brings together design and computer science researchers to investigate how human activity data can be used ethically and responsibly in research. Using WIFI data as a case study we plan to investigate three core questions:

  • What are the ethical, legal and organisational issues in using personal Internet of Things (IoT) data at TU Delft?
  • How can individuals on campus provide meaningful consent to the collection and use of their data for research purposes?
  • How can TU Delft establish a value framework for ethical and responsible IoT data research?

Link to the Delft Design for Value post